pH Active creates clean water and keeps it cold all day long.
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pH Active is made from super-strong food grade stainless steel and is double walled to keep your water cool for hours and hours, no matter how hot it is. It delivers highly effective water filtration, so you and your loved ones will enjoy silky smooth high pH water, on-the go.
- Filter good for 26 gallons (98 litres).
- Modern Ergonomic Design
- Alkaline Calcium Balls, increasing pH level and adding calcium
- ORP Balls to increase the negative potential producing high-antioxidant water
- Maifan stones add healthy minerals including selenium, iron, zinc and magnesium
- Ceramic mineral balls make your water taste & smell amazing
- Zeolite & Activated Alumina greatly reduce fluoride while eliminating heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, copper & lead
pH Active creates clean water and keeps it cold all day long.
400 Height: 8" / 20 cm / 650 Height: 11" / 28 cm / 950 Height: 11" / 28 cm
400 Length: 3.75" / 9.5 cm / 650 Length: 3.75"/ 9.5 cm / 950 Length: 5" / 12 cm
400 Width: 3.75" / 9.5 cm / 650 Width: 3.75"/ 9.5 cm / 950 Width: 5" / 12 cm
400 Weight: 12 oz / .054 kg / 650 Weight: 15.5 oz/.068 kg / 950 Weight: 1.50 lb / .073 kg
304 Stainless steel body
Bamboo lid
Plastic lid/plastic straw
650 ml
950 ml
650 ml: 761856339347
950 ml: 850006539192
30G Capacity: 26 gallons/98 litres
Our ON-THE-GO filters use a proprietary blend of several filter materials, including Far Infrared, Zeolite, Maifan, Alkaline/Calcium Balls, ORP, and other materials